Mobicon-Remote Electronic Pte Ltd
50 Ubi Ave 3,
#02-06 Frontier,
Singapore 408866.

About Us

Mobicon-Remote Electronic Pte Ltd is a Singapore subsidiary of Mobicon Holding Limited (HK), incorporated in January 2002. Mobicon-Remote Electronic Pte Ltd is an electronic components distributor company which is located in Singapore.

We can supply all your electronic components needs such as capacitors, connectors, crystals, diodes, fuses, I.C., LED, relays, resistors, switches, terminal blocks, transistors, transistors and EEPROM. Furthermore, we do supply test & measurement instruments like DC power supply, multimeter, waveform generator, oscilloscope, data acquisition unit/datalogger, frequency counter and spectrum analyser.

We serve a variety of industries including major Electronic Manufacturing Services (EMS), Contract Manufacturer (CM), Research and Development companies as well as education institutions in Singapore. Our goal is to offer the best products and technical assistance for your project requirements where customers can source the best quality electronic components.

Contact us now for more details.

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