Mobicon-Remote Electronic Pte Ltd
50 Ubi Ave 3,
#02-06 Frontier,
Singapore 408866.


KEYSIGHT 11581A Coaxial Attenuators Set

KEYSIGHT 11683A Power Meter Range Calibrator

KEYSIGHT X11644A Mechanical Calibration Kit, 8.2 to 12.4 GHz, Waveguide, WR-90

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KEYSIGHT 8474B Planar-Doped Barrier Diode Detector, 0.01 to 18 GHz

KEYSIGHT R422C Waveguide Detector, 26.5 to 40 GHz

KEYSIGHT 11713D Attenuator / Switch Driver

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KEYSIGHT PP0001A Hi-Z+ Probe

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